Wednesday 27 August 2014

Promotions and IMC

Lipton Ice Tea and its product category is in its growth stage. Though, during the launch of the product in India they had used various promotion and advertising strategies to create consumer Media.

The below photo show the print ad used by lipton ice tea in the USA, which communicates the message that th e drink will brighten your day.

The photo below is where lipton ice tea is advertised Out of Home on highways on bridges with a creative placement in India.

Integrated Marketing Communication approach hasn't quite yet been adopted by Lipton maybe because of lack of competition. One factor that affects the advertising budget is the competition and clutter in the same category, which is why heavy spending is not required in their case.

Most of their communication strategy is spent towards persuasive advertising by positioning themselves as a healthy and refreshing drink mainly targeted at young population. Its persuasive for now because its still in the growth stage in its PLC.

When it comes to promotions, they have sampling promotions set up in malls and supermarkets for consumers to experience their product. For PR, very few articles have been secured by them, which can be inferred that they do not want to be dependent on PR. They would want to leverage their brand presence abroad just like Starbucks did recently.

They did have a national 'Get Refreshed Naturally' Campaign with a 360* marketing approach which included offline and online engagement with the youth. They also started a microsite which was integrated with social media like Facebook, twitter etc. The site also included a fairly simple advergame.
Another major campaign was the 'Chill Out Surprise' campaign, which mainly focused on twitter and was a huge success and this is what Ms Rashi Goel, the Brand Manager of Lipton Ice tea had to say about it,

”Lipton Ice Tea is a delicious beverage that gives instant refreshment so it helps people "Take a Chill Pill" in the middle of a busy day. The "chill out surprise" has been a very effective brand activation wherein we have surprised our consumers with moments of relaxation and refreshment in the middle of their normal working day! This brings alive the brand proposition and helps our consumers experience the brand promise first hand. It also goes to
demonstrate yet again how social media portals like Twitter (in this case) make it easy for brands to directly connect, interact and gratify their consumers".

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